Activity Idea – Bubbles
Clixo x Mr. Andy presents: Clixo Bubbles! Who doesn’t love bubbles? How about BIG bubbles?
Bubbles are simply air wrapped in soap film. Soap film consists of soap and water. In order to make super bubbles that are strong enough to become big and hold, add cornstarch! Cornstarch is used as a thickening agent in liquid-based foods. In this case, we’ll be using it in our bubbles.
Your Clixo set will be very important in helping you create big bubbles. In order to make bubbles, you’ll need a bubble wand. The bigger the opening on the wand the bigger the bubbles. You may also create a wand that can create multiple soap films for multiple bubble fun!
Use your Clixo pieces to snap together a wand that has enclosures that can trap soap films. Longy will serve as a handle to dip your wand into the bubble solution.

Helpful Information for Parents
Children engaged in play will often exhibit specific behavioral schemas that are consistent across children all over the world during play. In this bubble activity, when mixing the ingredients to make the super bubble, your child may be extremely focused on mixing and mashing the cornstarch into a mush and combining it into the soap and water solution. If they are super engaged during the bubble making process, let them continue mixing! This scheme is called transforming. The concept they are developing through play would be changing the state of the ingredients used.
During the bubble making phase of this activity, allowing your child to help empowers them and builds confidence. Introduce them to the different utensils you’ll need to prep and mix the ingredients. Show them how to use a whisk and measuring cup. Make connections to math by allowing your child to pour and measure the water, dish soap, and cornstarch. These may seem like small steps but they will go a long way in helping young children become independent.
Pro Tip! It is best to blow the bubbles outdoors! Not only for keeping your home soap suds free but the wind will help blow the bubbles really well, especially if you’re using a bubble wand that has created multiple soap films that blows multiple bubbles at once.
For bigger groups of kids: Turn this into a playful contest by challenging each child to create the biggest bubble they can make. Invite them to experiment with the designs of their Clixo bubble wand. For those who are extra cautious (can’t be too careful in these COVID-times), instead of blowing the bubbles with your mouth, you can use a portable, handheld mini-fan to blow the bubbles 🙂
About Mr. Andy: Andy Yung is an NYCDOE pre-Kindergarten teacher at P.S. 244Q. He has been teaching pre-K for 8 years. His programs include a Reggio-inspired play based curriculum where children’s interest drives the learning and a Tinkergarten program which is an outdoor, nature-based play program. Besides being a pre-K teacher, he is also a father of 2 boys, an advocate for play, and a toy enthusiast. He enjoys bringing in new toys and materials for his students to explore and sharing his child development knowledge and activities with parents and teachers. To learn more about Andy check out his Instagram, his classroom account, or support his Donors Choose projects.
Clixo x Mr. Andy is a series of creative activity ideas developed by Mr. Andy for Clixo to help parents and kids get even more fun out of their Clixo packs. Try out some these activities in your play group today and share pictures with us! We’d love to see it! 🙂