Prompts to Get Your Kid’s Creative Juices Flowing
Clixo Building Prompts to Promote Creativity
Have you been struggling to get your kid to do something creative? While they may not be interested in picking up a paint brush, you may be able to get them to create something with magnetic building toys!
Creativity is an important part of life skills for children and adults alike. Not only is it a valuable skill, research shows that creativity can help decrease stress and anxiety. We’ve put together a list of some Clixo prompts to help you get the creative wheels turning in your kids.
Can You Build a Roller Coaster?
For this one, set your kids up with plenty of Clixo building pieces. See if they can build a roller coaster that twists and turns. If they need assistance, show them pictures of roller coasters for them to model it after. They’ll need to use problem solving to see if they can build one.
Who is Your Favorite Pet?

If you have pets, ask your kids which one is their favorite. Then, suggest they recreate their favorite pet using their Clixo pieces! Clixo has plenty of flexible magnetic pieces perfect for creating the shapes needed to resemble dogs, cats and other pets!
After they make their pet, compare them to the real one and see how they stack up! Have them take their creative juices one step further and write a story to go along with their recreation, too.
If You Build a Clixo Kite, Will it Fly?
This one is going to turn into a little science experiment. Ask your kids if they can make a kite with their Clixo pieces, and see if it can fly. This might take some trial and error, but the process is sure to be fun and definitely spark some creative thinking.
How Fast Can a Clixo Car Go?

If you’ve got the Clixo Wheel Creator Pack, try this prompt with your kids. Have them build cars and see how fast they can go! You can also try racing the cars and time them to see what building methods made the fastest cars. Playing around with this prompt should definitely boost creativity and problem solving.
Let’s Make a Clixo Zoo!
This is a great one to work that creative muscle. Using your Clixo kits, make a zoo! Choose animals from a nature book and have your kids make them as close as they can. Ask them questions about the animals to teach them facts while you’re building to make it a well-rounded learning experience. At the end, you can play with your zoo animals, too!
Get Out Into Nature
Did you know you can create plants with your Clixo pieces? Challenge your kids to make a Clixo garden and give them specific plants to make. Ask them questions about the plants and teach them facts as they build their imaginary garden, it’ll be fun for everyone!
Create a Garden of Clixo Plants
Did you know you can create plants with your Clixo pieces? Challenge your kids to make a Clixo garden and give them specific plants to make. Ask them questions about the plants and teach them facts as they build their imaginary garden, it’ll be fun for everyone!
Put on a Clixo Fashion Show

Playing with Clixo doesn’t always have to focus on science! Try using Clixo pieces to create wearable jewelry and put on a fashion show. You can make bracelets, necklaces and even earrings to match. When you’re done, take pictures of everyone wearing their fine pieces of jewelry to make fun memories!
Can You Make a Clixo Airport?
One of the best parts of Clixo is how flexible the pieces are. Try your hand at making a fleet of airplanes and helicopters with your Clixo pieces and see how many you can make. When you’re done, compare them to real life pictures to see how close they made them.
Write a Story and Create the Scene

Another great idea for encouraging creativity with Clixo is to have your kids write a story and then build the scene. Or, if they’re still struggling with creativity, you write the story for them and they will use it for inspiration for their building!
Build a Very Long Caterpillar

Think you have what it takes to build the longest caterpillar? Take your Clixo pieces and connect as many as you can to create one! If you have a pack with wheels, you can make it move, too!