Make a whale with Ocean Creatures pieces.Did you know that the Blue Whale is the largest mammal in the world?

Clixmas is almost here! Have a ball making this Clixo ornament!

These Longy pieces can come so handy. See how you can braid and bend them to create a ring ornament.

How about making more decorations with our beloved Qauds? Those can bend in so many ways. Try to add more pieces to make it even better.

There are so many ways to create ornaments. Just let your imagination run wild!

Puffer fish do not have scales but these even have magnets. (Only real) colourful puffer fish are poisonous. These are just fun.

Beep, beep! Hop in on this creativity. As seen in last year’s best Super Bowl commercials round up. The keys are in your imagination, rev up your engine and go.

The easiest way to make a mouse smile is to say cheese. And offer a ‘wheel’ of cheese too.

Yes, they are real, not just from a book.

A century ago, two brothers insisted that it was possible to fly……and as you can see, they were Wright

It’s a hot dog kind of day. This sausage needs no buns! The floppers the ears, the better.

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