Builders will be introduced to the official names of the Clixo pieces and wonder how they may have received their names. This time - the Twodot. Creators will see how the piece can be used individ...

Meet the Clixos - The Clixo Family
Welcome to the Clixo family! Meet the Clixo pieces and their unique abilities.

Builders will be introduced to the official names of the Clixo pieces and wonder howthey may have received their names. This time - the Tridot. Creators will see how the piece can be used individu...

Builders will be introduced to the official names of the Clixo pieces and wonder how they may have received their names. This time - the Quad. Creators will see how the piece can be used individua...

Develop an understanding of the concepts of time, by visualizing a clock using the Clixo pieces.
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