A structured yet flexible approach to engaging students in exploring optical illusions using Clixo pieces, promoting creativity, critical thinking, and fun. Topic: Storytelling The World Around Us...

Clixo and Occupational Therapy
Clixo can be used in occupational therapy to help patients achieve functional goals through individualized treatment interventions and task modifications to create “just the right challenge”. The ...

Students use Clixo pieces to construct letters, enhancing their understanding of geometric shapes and spatial reasoning. The activity begins with an introduction to Clixo pieces and basic letters...

Using paper, markers and scissors with Clixo pieces can be a fun and educational activity. It allows them to explore their creativity, practice fine motor skills, and engage in open-ended play. To...

Creating a long Clixo snake can be a fun and creative activity for students to learn how to contribute their individual building skills into a collaborative group goal. Manipulating the Clixo pie...

Develop an understanding of the concepts of time, by visualizing a clock using the Clixo pieces.
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